School Tour

February 16, 2020
10:00 - 12:10

Kids from Vasavi Public School visited our farm to experience nature and greenery in its truest sense. The visit created an opportunity for them to understand milking, Azolla cultivation, cattle feeding and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves moving around the cattle and greenery. The 86 kids who visited, took home with them the most valuable of all, Memories. Memories of dancing around with friends, the freedom of running around without having to stop, the touch of a cow’s cold nose, an angry Turkey’s stare and the nudge of warm, dusty breeze. Oh, and a free sapling too!

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Kids from Vasavi Public School visited our farm to experience nature and greenery in its truest sense. The visit created an opportunity for them to understand milking, Azolla cultivation, cattle feeding and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves moving around the cattle and greenery. The 86 kids who visited, took home with them the most valuable of all, Memories. Memories of dancing around with friends, the freedom of running around without having to stop, the touch of a cow’s cold nose, an angry Turkey’s stare and the nudge of warm, dusty breeze. Oh, and a free sapling too!